SEVEN-YEAR old Arif has been waiting for 1,056 hours or 44 days to see his mummy Shalwati Norshal and daddy Azizul Raheem Awaludin. Both his parents are under detention and expected to be brought before the court at 6pm (local time) today to determine whether they would be released or detained for another two weeks.
Both Shalwati and Azizul were under police custody from Dec 18 last year on suspicion of excessively disciplining their children at home. The act was considered a serious offence under Swedish law.
Arif often cried whenever he thought about his Mummy and had been pestering his older siblings to make arrangement to visit Malaysia so that he could see his Mummy and Daddy. To the poor boy, he thought both of them were on tour of duty in Malaysia!
Families of the couple, relatives,neighbors, friends and sympathizers had been praying hard for Shalwati and Azizul unconditional release. They are innocent and had only exercised their rights as Muslims parents to educate the children.
The couple is not detained for "loving their children", they are detained for hitting their children. And hitting children is a crime in Sweden, no matter what lame excuse you present. Unless they did not hit their children, they are not innocent, but very guilty.
ReplyDeleteI understand that the different between love and abuse might be hard to understand for the author of this blog, but to most people here in Sweden, the difference is rather obvious. It is a little bit like the difference between love and rape. While hurting a person does not necessarily mean that you do not love them, it is rather evil to claim that you hurt them because you love them, and expect them to be grateful for the pain.
There is a different in culture. What you believe is yours to decide but Muslim believe that it is not wrong to educate our children. It is not like we hit them to hurt them. We hit them slightly as a lesson. I grew up being disciplined like that and I love my parents for doing it as now I turn out as a great person. I'm not a brat or spoiled. If Sweden is against that then that's fine. But you should be aware that whatever you do not believe is not necessarily wrong. So please respect our culture.
DeleteI do respect you. And I agree with you. There is a difference in culture. And what you believe is yours to decide but while in Sweden, you are expected to respect swedish laws.
DeleteThat beating children is commonly practiced among muslim does not change the fact that it is illegal in Sweden.
A person that have been beating a child in Sweden is not innocent, but guilty to a crime according to swedish law.
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ReplyDeleteWhat total EVIL HYPOCRISY! Western-Zionist REGIME threatens to deport/punish/jail foreigners over `uncivilized´ behaviour – but hey, it’s supposedly `civilized’ for BARBARIAN & FASCIST Western-Zionist REGIMES to endlessly BOMB, TORTURE, RAPE and MURDER, in endless GENOCIDE, of Muslim/`Third` World's poor INDIGENOUS children and peoples (in order to ROB their sovereign nations’ massive oil-gas-minerals-land)! And so koltrasten, what do you think of this Western-Zionist REGIMES' national religious or non-religious values and laws (i.e. so-called 'progressive' humanist secularism/atheism/liberalis/modernism) that seem to LEGITIMIZE such BARBARISM?! What a joke you are, and so is the EVIL HYPOCRISY of the Western-Zionist world!
ReplyDeleteWhoa! What did all that come from?
DeleteBARBARIAN & FASCIST Western-Zionist REGIME? Please...
Oh well, I will try to answer your accusations, one at a time.
First, Sweden have not been to war for 200 years. That is twice as long as our current "regime" of democracy has lasted. So exactly what do you mean when accusing us of "endlessly BOMB, TORTURE, RAPE and MURDER, in endless GENOCIDE, of Muslim/`Third` World's poor INDIGENOUS children and peoples"?
Maybe you don't know the meaning of words like genocide. Maybe you confuse Sweden with the USA. I don't know how your brain works, or does not work, but I know that your accusations are bullshit.
Sweden have not been to war for 200 years. Sweden have never committed genocide, torture is outlawed (of course), as is rape and murder. Sweden has never bombed another country (back in the days when we went to war bombs and airplanes did not exist).
Sweden has not robbed any country of "oil-gas-minerals-land". There are nations who acts with questionable motives, for example the US and Russia. This is heavily criticized here in Sweden, both by our citizens and by our government. There are regular demonstrations against unjust wars. Sweden also tries to help war refugees by having one of the most generous refugee receptions in Europe. During the Irak-war, the Swedish town of Södertälje welcomed more Iraki refugees than the whole of the US.
So no, I do not think that Sweden is guilty of being "barbarian", nor of "evil hypocrisy".
And frankly, I have no idea what you mean by "zionist". Sweden generally supports the human rights of the people of Palestine. My best friend is a muslim Palestinian refugee, as well as a Swedish citizen. Her family fled here when she was just a kid. You might also have heard of the organization "ship to gaza"? They try to deliver food, toys and medicines by boat to Palestine. Many Swedish citizens and politicians have sailed with the boat and being put in Israeli jail after being stopped by their military.
Your accusations are completely groundless, prejudice, and frankly, rather silly.
EU's wealth and money as mainly gained by tax from member states (at, are distributed towards EU members - so if some EU members such as those in NATO are launching BARBARIAN racist and GENOCIDAL wars towards the Muslim world in order to rob their oil-gas-minerals-land, then Sweden which is part of the EU is complicit! It's that simple, you illiterate joker koltwhateveryournameis - unless this is still too complex for your does-not-seem-to-be-working brain!
DeleteBy the way, all my DELETED comments were by MYSELF. in order to publish the most correct version!
ReplyDeleteOk, good for you!
DeletePh yes, I forgot, didn't the so-called 'civilized' Sweden just freed someone who MASTURBATED in the public at Now, koltrasten, I wonder what would happen if a child or a foreigner is exposed to such IMMORAL sexual act in the PUBLIC (as opposed to a private act)! It looks like pathetically 'civilized' Sweden considers such sexually beastly act in the PUBLIC, as not an ABUSE of someone else human rights!
ReplyDeleteOr let's look at so-called 'civilzed' Germany, where RAPING ANIMALS, including forming BESTIALITY Zoos, is legal! It looks like animals don't have any rights in this "so-civilized" Western culture; and yet many EVIL Western hypocrites keep on attacking Islamic culture of not allowing dogs as pets and so on! See -
Bestiality brothels are spreading through Germany faster than ever thanks to a law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal, a livestock protection officer has warned.
Madeleine Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau that current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles who are increasingly able to turn to bestiality as a 'lifestyle choice'.....
Huffington post is not considerd a reliable source, for good reasons...
DeleteI remember the case described in the article. What is not written was that the man was completely alone at the beach, since it was in the middle of the winter. He did not think anybody saw him. He was judged "not guilty" to sexual abuse, since there was no intent to abuse anyone. He would have been judged "guilty" of indecent public behavior, if the prosecuted had not failed to prosecute him for indecent public behavior. It is not legal to mastrubate in public in Sweden, and had the man been aware that anybody could see him, and still continued, he would have been found guilty of sexual abuse.
As for the claims you make about Germany and Brittain, these are completely different countries from Sweden. Blaming Sweden for things that happens in Germany is much like blaming Malaysia for things that happens in Afghanistan.
In Sweden it is illegal to buy sex within the country. We also have very strong animal protection laws. To harm an animal in any way, especially to sexually abuse an animal, is considered a serious crime in Sweden. I cannot answer for Germany.
As for the adoption case in Brittain, again a completely different country, and I do not know anything about the circumstances. Gay couples are considered equal to straight couples in Sweden, and they have the same rights. Adoptions however are very rare within our country, and most of the few adoptions that take place are between close relatives. It is more common for children to become wards of the state, (that happens when parents can't take care of their children, because they abuse drugs, are in jail or are mentally ill, for example), and when that happens, the first option is always to let the child stay with relatives. The parents wishes are always listened to and followed as far as possible with respect to the welfare of the child.
Here's another example of ncreasingly suspectedSATANIC ALLIANCE of Western-Zionist barbaric and primitive RACISM and FASCISM towards Islam/Muslims - just imagine the uproar if a Christian/Jewish child is being placed with Muslim families, especially devout/traditional ones! See
A Muslim family have spoken out after a London council chose a white lesbian couple to adopt their three-year-old daughter.
The Somali family, who cannot be named, have claimed Harrow council in London ignored offers from members of their extended family to take in the girl.
They told the mother, whose two other children have been taken into care, that the couple had been chosen because there were 'no Muslim adopters available at all', according to a family member.
The mother, who has mental health issues and child cannot be named for legal reasons.
Ibrahim, a member of the family, complained that she was not kept informed about the adoption.
He also told The Sunday Times that relatives had not been told why their bids to take in the child were rejected....
Frankly, the only racist here is you, accusing Sweden for things that have happened in Great Brittain and Germany based on... What? That we have the same color of skin?
DeleteThese are different countries with different legislations. I can't answer for any legislation other than the Swedish one, because I have no influence on any legislation other than the Swedish one,
While I in no sense consider the Swedish legislation to be perfect it is a tad harsh to call it satanic. The legislation is created with the best intentions, trying to establish justice and defend human rights.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment was DELETED by myself!
DeleteSo koltrasten, your pathetic RACIST and SILLY reply is one big joke! When a Muslim commits a 'crime', the Western-Zionist world usually label them generally, such as under "MUSLIM terrorists" - we don't really see Christian or Jews being labelled in such a way, in the West, do we?! And to educate you intelligently, race/ethnicity, for example, a “Westerner” is actually, based NOT, from their skin colour (and that skin colour thing is part of RACISM) but from their socio-cultural HERITAGE, which then encompass their whole identity – thus is why Obama, for example, is labelled both as an African-American man and a Westerner (and why many African-Americans detest the label ‘Black’)!
ReplyDeleteAnd you have gone on and on with your anti-Islam RANTINGS, and now, you're claiming you're so 'tolerant' (by having a Muslim friend), and yet you dare to defend such a beastly masturbating PERVERT in Sweden! Just because no one was on the beach when the PERVERT decided to start masturbating in the public, makes it legal? Man, that is so SICK! Now, I wonder if that PERVERT is a non-Muslim, would his religion or non-religious values be ‘evil’, to you?
And, I wonder if you dare to call Christianity and Judaism, as "evil religion" (that’s how you condemn Islam), despite that all the GENOCIDAL war-mongering rampage that the Christian-Jewish or humanist secularism-ruled countries from the West, have been committing towards Indigenous CHILDREN and peoples including in Muslim countries, over centuries? Here, educate yourself of what GENOCIDE means and don’t ORDER me, like a Western MASTER, which news to read, you joker – see
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948.
Article 1
The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.
Article 2
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
• (a) Killing members of the group;
• (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
• (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
• (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
• (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Please, if I am indeed being racist in my posts, please show me were with citations, and explain why you consider that part to be racist. I think racism is awful, and I assure you, it is never my intention to be racist.
DeleteIn Sweden, a criminal is never label as "Muslim" unless he/she carried out his/hers crime in the name of Islam. Even then, the word "Muslim" is seldom used, but the term "Islamist", to point out that it is an extremist, and not just a regular Muslim. The same principal applies to all those which commit crimes in the name of a religion or ideology. Andres Bering Breivik, for example, is often labelled a nationalist terrorist. For crimes which are not religiously or ideologically motivated, ethnicity and religion is never mentioned, neither in media or in state records. Usually, the criminal is spoken about as "the 29-year-old", age being a neutral way to label the person.
What "rantings" do you refer to? And are you illiterate? I just wrote that public mastrubation IS illegal in Sweden.
I wrote that if it is part of Islam to beat your children, then I would consider Islam to be an evil religion, since beating an other human being is an act of evil in my eyes. If genocide is a part of Christianity or Judaism, then I would consider Christianity and Judaism to be evil religions as well, since genocide is an act of evil. I never heard a Christian or a Jew proclaim that their religion demands them to commit genocide, though...
Good! You know the meaning of the word genocide. Now, please tell me, which "national, ethnical, racial or religious group" is it that Sweden have destroyed, in whole or in part, lately?
And what do you think of this koltrasten, that Western countries, under ONE umbrella, the EU (which Sweden is a part of), is 'arming' TERRORISTS who are committing both physical and cultural GENOCIDE, in ALLIANCE with the Zionists, to ROB; MURDER, RAPE and TORTURE Muslim CHILDREN and peoples – here, educate yourself again, see
ReplyDeleteEuropean Union officially lifts weapons ban to arm Syrian rebels:
Posted at: 8:26, May 28, 2013 By
The harshness of the war in Syria is about to get worse. The European Union has officially lifted the ban on the movement of weapons which will serve to further arm terrorist groups in Syria. Previous to this decision, the United States and France, among others, were already sending truck loads of weapons to Al-Qaeda linked groups in Syria through the proxy war partner Libya, but now the delivery will be direct. The Minister of Community Affairs agreed last night to lift the arms embargo hanging over Syria only when there is a guarantee that the recipient of that good is the opposition to the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
According to the statement by the EU, the ministers will not begin arming the rebels until after August 1, to give political negotiations a chance. Syria has agreed to hold talks with Russia and the United States to explore diplomatic ways in which the war can be terminated. Meanwhile, the foreign ministers discussed possible progress in the political negotiations and will meet again before deciding to send weapons.
It is an agreement that partially reflects the different options provided by countries and that it was only possible after a twelve-hour meeting, shortly after the disagreement hypothesis had been installed in the atmosphere at the Affairs Council in Brussels.
….For now, it is an agreement between the foreign ministers, without the support of the Community legislation, but it seems to be a unanimous one…... The foreign minister said that so far, the aim of lifting the embargo is “to send a message to Bashar al-Assad” but that neither Spain nor the other partners are sending weapons to the opposition. However, the embargo has been watered several times, so that the EU can provide material for civil protection, as well as buying and selling oil to the rebels.
In reality what the Europeans are doing is what they have done before in previous staged conflicts, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan: Sell the terrorists or the governments arms in exchange for oil. Let them kill each other, let the country implode and send a ‘peace’ mission that takes control of everything. This mission then names a puppet dictator or junta, which enables the conquerors to stay in their war ravaged country forever.
The situation in Syria is horrifying for all to observe, and there are a million different opinions about how to best help the people. I have many friends which still have big parts of their families back there, fearing for the lives of their cousins, friends and grandparents every day.
DeleteSweden was against lifting the ban against sending arms to Syria. As can be read here:
Not being able to stop other nations to deliver weapons to Syria is not the same as sending arms to Syria oneself, though, don't you agree?
Your accusations of foreign nations wanting to fuel the war in order to get to the natural resources are ridiculous, at least in the case of Sweden. No one wants more death and human suffering.
Sweden are doing all we can to ease the suffering and stop the war. There is not much we can do, though. But what we can do, we do. Sweden has a policy for example, to give all Syrian refugees permanent permission to settle in Sweden. That includes the right to healthcare, schools, housing and money to cover basic needs.
What is your country doing?
And how dare you koltrasten imply as if Westerners have the same skin colour - and exactly what skin colour are you implying?! You are indeed a RACIST!
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way, when you mentioned how 'kind' Sweden is by taking so many REFUGEES from Iraq in Sweden for example, you clearly forgot to mention that it was Western DESPOTS and REGIMES, including the UK which is a member of the EU and NATO; who, with the US, launched the barbarically evil IMPERIALIST wars that oversees millions of Iraqi and Afghan Muslim CHILDREN and peoples, being raped, robbed, tortured and mass murdered in a GENOCIDE, until today?!
I was simply asking why you were accusing Sweden for things that happened in other nations? The only possible explanation I could think of was that you thought we where all the same, since the majority of the people in Sweden, Germany and Brittain look alike. Was I wrong? Then please, explain why you thought it relevant to bring up incidents in Germany and Brittain while debating Sweden? I presumed it was pure racism from your part. That does hardly make me a racist.
DeleteDo you know what the word despot means?
And for your information, EU is not a military alliance, and Sweden is not a member of NATO. We hade nothing to do with that war. None the less we did our best to help its victims. What did your country do? What did you do?
For that matter, I agree that the Irak war has been awful, but is was hardly paradise before the invasion either. Saddam committed genocides, murdered and tortured long before the US and the UK entered the scene.'s_Iraq
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ReplyDeleteThis comment was DELETED by myself!
DeleteAs usual, you koltrasten, prefer to ignore all the real INTELLIGENT educational points that I have articulated, but instead prefer to go on spewing your HATEFUL and STUPID lies! Gee, the BARBARIAN and EVIL Zionists has been committing GENOCIDE towards Palestinian Muslims, to form Israel (over those Palestinians' BLOOD) but we don't see these Zionists being invaded nor being convicted for War Crimes (as of any Westerners since the Nazi days - except the Serbians; and that's because they are pro-Russia; whilst the Croatians generals were released)!
ReplyDeleteAnd also that you dare to think, that non-Western 'undemocratic' leaders should be toppled with GENOCIDE, tpwards his peoples, by the Western-Zionist world, such as in Iraq, Syria and Libya?! You have one sick and RACIST mind!
Eeeerh... What "INTELLIGENT educational points"? I simply do not see anything that matches that description in your posts. Please, enlighten me!
DeleteAnd exactly what "lies" do you refer to? I have been 100% truthful in my responses to you. I have tried to answer all your crazy accusations, just to be drowned in more bullshit, hateful words, and racist crap.
I have already explained my own and the general Swedish stance on Palestine. My best friend is from Palestine. What would you have us do? Declare war on Israel? How would that help anyone? It would only lead to more suffering...
The crimes of leaders such as Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad against humanity are well documented. And to claim that they did not happen is seriously crazy! I have friends whose relatives are dead due to those men! What world do you live in?
And again koltrasten, as I have been trying unsuccesfully to educate you, but obviously such INTELLIGENT educational information is too complex for your brain! Now, Sweden is part of the EU - if it genuinely disagree with the abuse of 'human rights' (such Western-Zonist 'human rights' that the Western-Zionist world simply love to enforce by any means, including by GENOCIDE, in Muslim/non-Western world) by a member state of the EU, it would have taken that member to the EU Court! Here, stop being LAZY and read up! At -
ReplyDeleteEU law is supranational law: that is, it is not determined or confined by national law.....that EU law could create enforceable legal rights for individuals in national courts was greatly magnified by the European Court ruling that precedence was to be accorded to EU law over domestic law. The Court not only characterised EU law as part of domestic law, it declared the supremacy of EU law over other domestic law.
And further,
The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) was adopted by the Council of Europe in 1950, hence pre-dating the establishment of the European Union. However, all EU Member States are Members of the Council of Europe and have ratified the ECHR.
The Convention establishes the European Court of Human Rights. Any person who feels their rights have been violated under the Convention by a state party can take a case to the Court; the decisions of the Court are legally binding, and the Court has the power to award damages. State parties can also take cases against other state parties to the Court, although this power is rarely used.
I think it is obvious to anyone reading this conversation that you have not provided any such things as "INTELLIGENT educational information".
DeleteYou have presented a bunch of prejudice that I have commented and often revealed as inaccurate, and a huge, crazy conspiracy theory, where you accuse all "western" nations for the war crimes of the US, the UK and Isresl. That is just as crazy as blaming all the worlds Muslims for shooting Malala. Who would do such a thing?
People are people. Most are good, decent human beings who only wants the best for one another and to live in peace. No matter what country you are from or what God you believe in.
What member is it you think Sweden should have brought before the European court? As stated in your citation, the person that feel his or hers human rights have been violated can themselves bring the matter to EU court. Then why should the nation of Sweden get involved? I really don't understand what it is you think we should have done differently..?
And koltrasten, it' s you who are obvioulsy ILLITERATE - since you simply cannot be bothered to educate yourself with real history! You had better asked the ancestors of millions of murdered in endless and numerous GENOCIDE of NON-WESTERN INDIGENOUS peoples, centuries ago (that continues until today)- such as of Native Americans, Canda's First Nation peoples, Aboriginal Australians, Palestinians, Latin Americans and so on! Part of the objective for such Westen-Zionist BARBARIC Imperialism, was FUNDAMENTALLY based on Christian or Jewish values and laws, towards the the peoples or the land, or both, simultaneously, such as "just war" doctrine! So stop spewing your HATEFUL and RACIST lies!
ReplyDeleteWhat has any of that have to do with Sweden?
DeleteI am well aware of the crimes committed towards aboriginals and native Americans, and about the way they once were treated, and how they are still treated. Trust me, I find all of that just as horrible and despicable as you. But what has any of it got to do with Sweden?
And exactly what "lies" are you referring to? When have I lied? When have I been racist?
It is not me who are accusing you or your nation for a bunch of stuff their geographical neighbourgs committed...
Obviously kolt-whateveryournameis, you are so so full of personal HATE twaords me, by constantly attacking me personally, incluidng by calling me names! READ my articles INTELLIGENTLY and start commenting INTELLIGENTLY, like a real civilized person, instaed of repeating like a PARROT!
ReplyDeleteI do not feel any hate against you, and when have I ever attacked you personally or called you names?
DeleteIf anything, I feel sorry for you.
I guess all extremists are the same. Your conspiracy theories and they way you talk resembles they way militant nationalists talks here in Scandinavia, the terrorist Anders Behring Breivik for example. I guess you know the theory of Eurabia? Most of us recognize that kind of talk as the bullshit it is, and do not let it influence us. I can only hope that people close to you have the good sence to do the same.
You are ONE SICK PSYCHO kolt-fullofhate! You'rere trying to STOP my MUSLIM freedom of speech by comparing me to that PSYCO TERRORIST Breivik?! Well, it's not going to work, because you're obviously a RACIST and FASCIST MORON!
DeleteIt does not matter what religion you claim to follow or what nation you claim to belong to. But yes, I do compare you to the Norwegian terrorist. Like his texts, your own texts are very black and white, very full of prejudice and conspiracys, you refuse to listen to anyone that have a different worldview than your own, and you are fighting an enemy that probably only exists in your mind.
DeleteYou are blind to your own extremism, you are inconsequential in your reasonings, you make accusations, but refuse to clarify what you mean by them.
I think you have some kind of a problem, and would advice you to seek out help.
YOU NEED HELP, PSCHO-FASCIST koltfullofhate! Obviously you keep trying to shut up my MUSLIM freedom of speech by comapring me to that Swedish TERRORIST Breivik - you're full of SIMPLISTIC prejudice and conspiracy thoeries, and refused to reply intelligently like a real CIVILIZED person!
DeleteObviously kolt-whateveryournameis, you obviously twist my INTELLIGENT words to suit your RACIST and STUPID propaganda and lies! Sick!
ReplyDeleteRepeating that you are intelligent and that I am racist does not make it true. I think the truth is obvious for anyone who would bother to read this conversation.
DeleteAnd again kolt-whateveryournameis, stop making a FOOL of yourself! Such SHAMELESS behaviour - why don't you reply INTELLIGENTLY for once!
ReplyDeleteExactly what in my "behavior" do you have a problem with?
DeleteI have replied to everything you have written in the best way I can. I have answers every statement you have made, and tried to answer every question you have asked.
You on the other hand, have ignored my answers and questions, and kept on calling me a liar (without specifying the lies) and kept on delivering accusations and conspiracy theories.
And again kolt-whateveryournameis, you're trying to COVER up my INTELLIGENT points by all these STUPID comments of yours! Such DECEIT!
Deletes usual, you koltrasten, prefer to ignore all the real INTELLIGENT educational points that I have articulated, but instead prefer to go on spewing your HATEFUL and STUPID lies! Gee, the BARBARIAN and EVIL Zionists has been committing GENOCIDE towards Palestinian Muslims, to form Israel (over those Palestinians' BLOOD) but we don't see these Zionists being invaded nor being convicted for War Crimes (as of any Westerners since the Nazi days - except the Serbians; and that's because they are pro-Russia; whilst the Croatians generals were released)!
ReplyDeleteAnd also that you dare to think, that non-Western 'undemocratic' leaders should be toppled with GENOCIDE, tpwards his peoples, by the Western-Zionist world, such as in Iraq, Syria and Libya?! You have one sick and RACIST mind!
Ok, now I feel really sorry for you...
DeleteAre you trapped in a cult?
I feel sorry for you koltfullofHATE, are you in a FASCIST cult?!
Deletekolt-fullofhate tries to stop my Muslim freedom of speech - read this again, you joker! What total EVIL HYPOCRISY! Western-Zionist REGIME threatens to deport/punish/jail foreigners over `uncivilized´ behaviour – but hey, it’s supposedly `civilized’ for BARBARIAN & FASCIST Western-Zionist REGIMES to endlessly BOMB, TORTURE, RAPE and MURDER, in endless GENOCIDE, of Muslim/`Third` World's poor INDIGENOUS children and peoples (in order to ROB their sovereign nations’ massive oil-gas-minerals-land)! And so koltrasten, what do you think of this Western-Zionist REGIMES' national religious or non-religious values and laws (i.e. so-called 'progressive' humanist secularism/atheism/liberalis/modernism) that seem to LEGITIMIZE such BARBARISM?!
ReplyDeleteI think you yourself is the main source of hypocrisy.
DeleteI think you are crazy and deluded by conspiracy theories.
I think the US are guilty of some of the accusations you are making towards the "western Zionist regimes".
I do not think there exists such things as "western Zionist regimes".
I think you blame a lot of nations, including Sweden, for events they had nothing to do with and did everything in their power to stop.
I think that you, in your mind have divided the world into those you consider friends and those you consider enemies, and are refusing to see anything good in those you consider enemy's and anything bad in those you consider friends.
I think you are sadly narrow minded, and I feel genuinely sorry for you.
I feel sorry for your crazy FASCISM AND RACISM, koltfullofHATE! You're such a HYPOCRITE, who simply cannot stand Muslim like me debatingand standing up to you INTELLIGENTLY! Do get help - or GO BACK TO SCHOOL!
DeleteI am sorry, but I can not see anything intelligent in the things you write. Just a bunch of accusations, predjudice and conspiracys...
DeleteI would really like to have a conversation with you, but for that to happen you need to start answering my questions too, not just throw dirt at me while I try to answer your wile rantings.
Why don't you reply INTELLIGENTLY for once! Akolt-whateveryournameis, stop making a FOOL of yourself! Such SHAMELESS behaviour!
DeleteIt is kind of funny that you suddenly forgot my name after 20-or-so posts.
DeleteI understand that you consider it shameful not to agree with you. I do not, however.
You are a sad little person, living in a sad little world. We could have talked, really talked, and tried to understand each others points of view. But you destroyed it with your narrowmindness.
In my opinion, you have not written a single intelligent comment on this blog, just a shitload of crap.
Repeating key words in LARGE letters do not make them true.
You're such a HYPOCRITE kolt-whateveryournameis, who simply cannot stand Muslim like me debating and standing up to you INTELLIGENTLY! Do get help - or GO BACK TO SCHOOL!
ReplyDeleteI seriously doubt that you are a Muslim. I think you are someone who hates Muslims and want them to look bad.
DeleteAt least I hope you are. I simply cannot bring myself to believe that someone would keep repeating such a load of prejudice, conspiracy and hate, and really mean it.
I am sure the rest of the Muslims that have commented on this page would agree. While them and I might not agree on certain matters, or more specifically what is an acceptable way to discipline children, we do try to explain our points of views to each other.
I greatly appreciate the comment made by Dean for example. While it did not change my mind on the matter, it did make me understand his point of view a bit better.
Hey kolt-fullofHATE, MUSLIM like me, you just can't stand, don't you, you bloody RACIST! Why are you full of hate towards a MUSLIM who dare to speak up to a RACIST PSYCHO like you?!
DeleteYou're such a HYPOCRITE kolt-whateveryournameis, who simply cannot stand Muslim like me debating and standing up to you INTELLIGENTLY! Do get help - or GO BACK TO SCHOOL!
ReplyDeletekolt-whateveryournameis, your silly RACIST rantings makes you look SAD! Get help!
ReplyDeleteTypical EVIL Western-Zionist DESPOTS and REGIMES hypocrites!
ReplyDeleteEU's wealth and money as mainly gained by tax from member states and corporations incluidng oil-gas corporations (at, are distributed towards EU members - so if some EU members such as those in NATO are launching BARBARIAN racist and GENOCIDAL wars towards the Muslim CHILDREN and peoples, in order to rob their oil-gas-minerals-land, then Sweden which is part of the EU is complicit! It's that simple, you illiterate joker koltwhateveryournameis - unless this is still too complex for your does-not-seem-to-be-working brain!
Unbelieveable! 'Civilized' Sweden just freed someone who MASTURBATED in the public at Now, kolt-FULLOFHATE, I wonder what would happen if a child or a foreigner is exposed to such IMMORAL sexual act in the PUBLIC (as opposed to a private act)! It looks like pathetically 'civilized' Sweden considers such sexually beastly act in the PUBLIC, as not an ABUSE of someone else human rights!
ReplyDeleteVatican protects PEDOPHILE priests who raped thousands of children, as reported by the UN! That’s the EVIL hypocrisy of the Christian-ruled Western world, who’re always PREACHING and BOMBING to pieces INDIGENOUS Muslim/”Third” World children/peoples, in order to launch BARBARICALLY, their 'civilized' Western-Zionist “human rights and democracy”!
Children’s rights experts have lambasted the church for allowing clerical abuse to go on unchecked for decades
Wednesday 05 February 2014
The Vatican’s moral authority has been left in tatters by a United Nations report condemning the Catholic Church’s “code of silence” on paedophile priests, allowing known sex offenders to continue working with children to this day.
Following their interrogation of senior Holy See figures on 16 January, UN children’s rights experts have lambasted the church for allowing clerical abuse to go on unchecked for decades, for its continued refusal to admit the extent of the problem, and its failure to adopt adequate measures to prevent further crimes. The investigators estimate that “tens of thousands of children worldwide” have been sexually abused by clerics.
According to the report published by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, “well-known child sex abusers” were for years “being transferred from parish to parish in an attempt to cover up such crimes”. As a result of moving rather than reporting paedophiles, “… in many countries… dozens of child sex offenders are reported to still be in contact with children”.
Previously, the Vatican has insisted it cannot be held responsible for the actions of bishops and priests around the globe, saying it is the responsibility of local law enforcement to police such abuse. However, by insisting on using internal disciplinary measures to tackle the problem, the church has “allowed the vast majority of abusers and almost all those who concealed child abuse to escape judicial proceedings”. The report adds: “Due to a code of silence imposed on all members of the clergy under penalty of ex-communication, cases of child abuse have hardly been reported to law enforcement agencies.” That code is still in place, according to the authors of the report; two months ago, the Holy See refused “to provide the committee with data on all cases of child abuse brought to its attention”…….
You kolt-FULLOFHATE, comparing me to that PSYCO-CHRISTIAN TERRORIST Breivik?! You're trying to STOP my MUSLIM freedom of speech don't you?! Well, it's not going to work, because you're obviously a RACIST and FASCIST MORON!
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ReplyDeleteOh just shut the hell up N.Aza Othman. I am a Muslim and I feel so embarassed reading your rantings towards Kolstren. You and your kinds give Islam a bad name. I apologise Mr Kolstren. Please don't associate this person with Islam
ReplyDeleteSorry *Mr Koltrasten
DeleteLifeJacket, I am so happy to read your post! While I do not believe that Othman is representative for muslims, the silence from other muslims actually got me wondering if you agreed to hos arguments and shared his view of the world.
DeleteI am glad to learn that it is not the case.
I believe that most Muslims are wonderful people, good hearted, just and kind.
Extremists on the other hand, seems to be of the same bad seed no matter what religion or ideology they claim to follow. They spread hate and destruction wherever they go. But they become the most dangerous when ordinary well meaning people start listening to them and believing them.
Let us fill the world with love, kindness, understanding and peace instead of listening to those who tries to spread hate, lies, prejudice and start fights.
Your comment is one such kindness, and I am very glad you posted it.
You SHUT UP - can't stand a MUSLIM like me STANDING UP for free speech do you? So you're a buddy of the anti-ISLAM, RACIST and ABUSIVE kolt-theTHUG! That shows what kind of MORON you're! And you' think youre God, to determine who is a Muslim - GET LOST!
ReplyDeleteDoes your brand of Islam teach you to insult people just because they disagree with you? Will the Prophet p.b.u.h act like what you did? Instead of having an intellectual discourse you just ramble and hurl insults. I felt so ashamed towards Mr Kolastren. This is not a case of mere cultural differences. What the couple did, if proven true, is a disgrace to Islam. Have you heard of the Prophet beating a child? What they did is not a simple slap on the hand. May Allah forgive them and us and may the children be kept safe from harm
ReplyDeleteI know that newspapers i Malaysia have given the case a certain twist, such as that the only things the Parents are accused of is hitting one of the boys lightly on the hand, on one occasion.
ReplyDeleteThis is how a Swedish newspaper describes the case:
(It is in Swedish, so you might want to use Google translate.)
Sweden have zero tolerance to physical disciplining of children. I do understand that it can seem strange to people from other cultures.
But I agree with LifeJacket that people who thinks the parents have done nothing wrong might not have the whole picture yet.
I hope the kids are well treated and happy wherever they are right now. And I think all good Gods would agree.
Now that the case is already through, I think it is time for some reflections.
ReplyDeleteI follow the case and I think what was said in court was better discussed in a counselling session instead. The prosecution made both the parents n kids talked bad abt each other in public but counselling would make them discuss things positively n work things out together privately instead of against each other publicly. Prosecution kept them apart for months, if those months were spent together in counselling this matter would have been solved. We want kids to be happy, we keep them loved by their parents, spending quality time together, not forcing them apart. Counselling is more effective both in the short n long term, a less damaging process for the kids and takes less time compared to prosecution n jail time. I mean, if the legal and social service systems are going to spend time and resources on this case anyway, might as well do that. That's how I'd protect the kids. Because what happened since 18 December 2013 could possibly add more damage to their already unhealthy relationship. And I think by punishing the parents, we also punish the children.
I'm not saying the law needs to be changed, because I agree hitting kids is wrong (even screaming or use of inappropriate words is wrong). But the authorities should have been more careful n more analytical when deciding the pro's n cons of their own actions, on case by case basis. There is law protecting kids from parents actions but if the one harming the kids is the system, then no one can protect them. I know that is not the intention, but that is what happened. The kids were made less happy by the whole process. And after the jail time, the family is left on their own to heal the additional and unnecessary pain caused by the process.
I'm sure the intention of the law is to protect children and to keep them safe and happy. Why proceed with use of law when it is clear that it will go against the intention of the law, and when there is another effective way of achieving that?