LAST Sunday, Aishah, Ammar, Adam and Ariff sat together with the Minister of Women's Affair and Family Development at their home. That day was also Mother's Day.
It was a nice surprise for the children, because the Minister Dato Rohani, who is also a mother, flew in from Kuala Lumpur to meet the four children whose parents are serving imprisonment for "violating their integrity" or in plain English, disciplining their children for misbehaviour.
The Minister's visit was to see the children and their progress since they returned to Malaysia a few months ago from Sweden. It was also to spend Mother' Day with them.
The return was successful arranged by Wisma Putra and Tourism Malaysia with the co-operation of the Swedish Government.
Looking at them, we know how much they missed their parents, especially their mother. The children do not hate their parents, they love them.
Every now and then, the children wrote letters and sent post cards to their parents. And all they wanted is to have their parents back in Malaysia.
There is nothing much anyone can do now. The parents, have to complete their jail sentenced before they can return home.
We hope that soon the moment of the family being together again will take place.
To Shalwati, the children wished you Happy Mother's Day. We wait for your return.
Semoga anak2 tabah dalam menghadapi dugaan ketiadaan ibu dan bapa untuk satu waktu seketika..